Digital Education: The future of learning!

The future of learning!

Hi guys,

Your teacher Ms. Ying is here lol😄!! As usual, today I´m here to show you guys a brand new topic, it´s an online training.

Before to explain and express what I learnt in the webinar last week, I want to talk about my some of my ideas and thoughts of the future learning at first. Over the past few decades, technology has transformed our lives in ways we couldn’t imagine.

Like I said, last week I attended a webinar it´s an online conference for teachers about digital competence and how to deal with it as teachers. We were attending to the webinar with other students from the Universiat de Barcelona in a digital Learning online "Room".

This webinar carried out by Ms. Maria Jesús García San Martín called Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education. From this conference I learnt  different online training courses for teachers that are offered by the Ministry of Education through the INTEFbesides it's Portfolio of the Digital Competence for Education, and this online tool is intended to prove the digital levels of competence for teachers, you can visit the common framework of digital competence. They divided into 21 structured competencies in six competency levels A1, A2, B1, B2 , C1, C2. To achieve the goals, Aprende INTEF offers different online digital training resources.

An screenshot in webinar: Ms. Maria Jesús García San Martín
  • EDUPILLS: It is a free mobile application of self training focused on the acquisition and development of skills, skills and digital skills in a simple and fast from mobile devices. The completion of an EducaPills itinerary will award a digital badge. Through this application, you can share your achievements in social networks and mark your self-education pills in the topics that interest you.
  • MOOC: Collaborative open learning. 3-5 week courses. Focused on active methodologies, emergent pedagogy, peer learning, professional learning communities. Many of the courses are linked to non-profit-making association projects or other educational associations. The materials also remain available. Some of the most popular were reconverted into NOOC. Depending on the different learning styles, some teachers prefer MOOC while others choose NOOC. There are also digital badges for your progress.
  • NOOC: Open nanoexperiences in collaboration focused on the development of digital teaching competencies. It allows participants the opportunity to explore, learn and be evaluated on a key competency, skill or area. They are open for 10 days, but the materials remain available for later use.
  • SPOOC Learning experiences at your own pace. Self-learning online and open courses. Once they are open you can access whenever you want, they are not closed activities. There's no specific support but there's an internal helping space with a Facebook group. You can get your digital badges once the objectives are achieved.
The future is about access, anywhere learning and collaboration, both locally and globally. Teaching and learning is going to be social. INTEF which aims is that the teachers of the future learn at their pace, It will be encouraging for teachers to see their progress. Besides, the important point is that the idea of the Portfolio is encourage reflection on the level of digital competence and providing the possibility of receiving certification and follow a recommended upgrade path. I think the different possibilities adapted to your own learning pace and your own interests are the best advantages.

The projects you are using at school can be the evidence to support your progress and achieve the different competences. Including digital resources to your everyday teaching practice will certainly help in the same direction. It will be very uplifting to see your progress and at the same time feel more confident when applying what you have learned.  So that the next step is the chance to obtain a certain level of digital competence when finishing master's degrees or other degrees as well as training courses.

The conference was incredibly interesting, it giaves us ideas for improving the digital competence, which is so important these days. Schools of the future could have a traditional group of students, as well as online only students who live across the country or even the world!

I never heard about Aprende INTEF before this course and as I know it rightnow I it is an excellent resource. Those resources in Aprende INTEF leads you to improve your competence in an autonomous way and all at your own pace. 

What I like the most the second part of this courses, because this year I'm quite busy with the master and a part time job, so that I don't have too much time on tons of tasks, and once I finished I can start with activities that take longer. I also like this courses, becouse of the all free courses and you can do it even if you are not a teacher in a school yet. I think it's important to have a pretty good level of digital competence in the classroom and Educa Intef has the necessary tools to improve and certify this competence. Know it's your turn! What did you know about Aprende INTEF? I highly recommoned you to try it!

An screenshot in webinar: Ms. Maria Jesús García San Martín

Stay tuned and good luck my friends!😀
