Our Video Clip!!

Our video clip: Green TV Channel

Hello everyone! I´m your teacher Ms. Ying 😊

Do you remember my last post the Storyboard when I talked you about our video project? So here I am to talk you about it again. This time I bring the video to share with you guys! This video that I recorded with my ICT mates. The purpose of this video, as mentioned before in my previous Storyboard post, is that children think about why all these things are happening and discuss abour the effects if this issue continues and remedies for it.

It was an incredible unforgettable experience for me. We edited the video and tried to add all the things we could. We recorded the video by a software called Vegas Pro 15.0. This tool is released by Magix (although it was release first by Sonyc Foundry and then the Sony Creative Software).

In my point of view, it was an unforgettable experience of this ICT team work. Besides,  I learned tons of things that how to clip a video, the online conference with my team mates. My team mate Alex did an amazing job on the addition part, and the rest of us, Jessica, Andrés, Víctor and I as the rest of the ICT team member, we always tried our best to help each other with everything. It wasn´t very difficult to work with this programme, because of the "power of the team"!  During making video part, we did an online conference by Skype, everyone gaves their good ideas and wonderful thoughts, and we did it efectively and successfully. We added the videos, the beginning introduction, music and some pictures for the introduction and the ending, the cast member. We also did different logos to use in some parts in order to separate the videos!

Vegas Pro 15.0 is a tool that I highly recommend for editing videos, because you can add all the elements you want (pictures, other videos, audio,music...etc.) and previsualise the work at the same time you are customizing it.

About our video, when we recorded we used a chroma background in order to add pictures related to the topic as a background afterwards. A chroma background is a background (usually green or blue)that is used as a audiovidual technique in TV, cinema and photography and it allows to replace the green colour for other images. There are some settings that have this chroma background, although there are cases where people also use a piece of fabric with that colour. In our case, we had the opportunity to go to one of the Ministry of Education building (National center of Educative Investigation and Innovation), for example: the Future Lab which is a room that has lots of technological resources and it´s including a chroma.

Here is our video! Please check it out:

Stay tuned & Good Luck!
