My Artifact

My Artifact

Hi everybody!

At beginning I can't imagine I can handle those educational tools in the end. One thing for sure is that I gained tons of digital knowledge in this course, one thing for sure is that I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. I am so excited to be equipped with the knowledge that I have guinde. 

This courseI have learned so much more than I expected. With networking especially using new educatinal tools. I found it’s easier to find people in my field than I thought. When I enrolled in this class I thought “Can I deal with those tasks?”  But soon after, I realised that It's all at your discretion, hastily give up or stand up to overcome those difficulties! 

In my poin of view, It was much more beneficial to have the class set up this way as opposed to worksheets and tests. In this course I learnt that I had to learn to step out of my comfort zone and to know the bunch of educational learning platform, reach out to people in my community, and It's necessary knowing how to choose educational tools effectively as a teacher in an era of information explosion. 

From here I leave you some the great and useful tools for me and the tools that I used in my class, there are my posts and the links:

My Pixton - I created my own comics by this eductional tool, It was my first time creating a comic, and at the beginning, I didn't know what did I have to do. But once, that i started to know how did it work, I loved it! For me, I think that it is an amazing tool for children!

Prezi -  I truly like Prezi, because before this subject I used Power Point to do all my presentation but this one for me is amazing. I pretty like this tool and I will continue using it in myfuture classroom. 

Blogger- I really excited that I already knew how to embed and link in the blog, and how to make the video clip, stay tuned with me, your tearcher Ms. Ying!

Webinar -  I attended an online conference called Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education, carried out by our teacher Maria Jesus Garcia San Martin where I could learn about the training courses for teachers offered by the Ministry of Education through of INTEF its and its portfolio of Digital

Flipgrid - #Twima8 is the name of a project in which I participate, it is focused so that students and teachers can share experiences. To sign up I had to register on the Flipgrid platform, I hightly recommond you to do it if you never try it before. Let's go and check it out what I've experienced in Flipgrid #Twima8!

I used my Powtoon to introduce you what I have learned :
