
My Artifact

My Artifact Hi everybody! At beginning I can't imagine I can handle those educational tools in the end. One thing for sure is that I gained tons of digital knowledge in this course, one thing for sure is that I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. I am so excited to be equipped with the knowledge that I have guinde.  This courseI have learned so much more than I expected. With networking especially using new educatinal tools. I found it’s easier to find people in my field than I thought. When I enrolled in this class I thought “Can I deal with those tasks?”  But soon after, I realised that It's all at your discretion, hastily give up or stand up to overcome those difficulties!  In my poin of view, It was much more beneficial to have the class set up this way as opposed to worksheets and tests. In this course I learnt that I had to learn to step out of my comfort zone and to know the bunch of educational learning platform, reach out to people in my comm

My Experience#Twima8

My Experience#Twima8 Almost all of us will experience some kind of adversity—most of us will go through some pretty tough times at some point in our lives. So that telling and sharing story is a very good way to express our thoughts, emotion, stories can be very healing and many people benefit from getting the opportunity to pass on their wisdom to others. This can be especially powerful for people who do not always feel that they have the chance to help others. As I mentioned previously, for that reason, today I´m going to talk about my own experience living alone in abroad and how I studed English and Spanish. First of all I want to introduce you the main page of  Flipgrid where I uploaded my video. This is a video discussion learning platform that teachers and students around the world and they are sharing ideas and learning together. Here is the link to my personal Flipgrid ! It´s quick to handle and to use, and also people who are on this platform can record videos with

Our Video Clip!!

Our video clip: Green TV Channel Hello everyone! I´m your teacher Ms. Ying 😊 Do you remember my last post the Storyboard when I talked you about our video project? So here I am to talk you about it again. This time I bring the video to share with you guys! This video that I recorded with my ICT mates. The purpose of this video, as mentioned before in my previous Storyboard post, is that children think about why all these things are happening and discuss abour the effects if this issue continues and remedies for it. It was an incredible unforgettable experience for me. We edited the video and tried to add all the things we could. We recorded the video by a software called Vegas Pro 15.0. This tool is released by Magix (although it was release first by Sonyc Foundry and then the  Sony Creative Software ). In my point of view, it was an unforgettable experience of this ICT team work. Besides,  I learned tons of things that how to clip a video, the online conference with my

Storyboard a video project: Let's Green TV!

Hello Everybody!! I'm here again, your teacher Ms. Ying😃! This time I will explain how to present an idea of an educational video project. Obviously, every final project has a previous work that must be planned and structured so that the final product is correctly presented. The use of graphic scripts is essential to plan video projects. In this project I worked with my classmates, so that in order to flip the classroom. There are five people in our team. To carry out the project we are making a video with the objective of encourage children to think about the Climate Change. Around this topic, we will explain some aspects about Climate Change at school. And we named our educational project as the Green TV! In this video will show you some examples of how Climate Change and Global Warming are changing weather in different places of our planet and encourage children to discover by themselves the causes and effects of this issue. The main educational objectives are: To

Digital Education: The future of learning!

The future of learning! Hi guys, Your teacher Ms. Ying is here lol😄!! As usual, today I´m here to show you guys a brand new topic, it´s an online training. Before to explain and express what I learnt in the webinar last week, I want to talk about my some of my ideas and thoughts of the future learning at first. Over the past few decades, technology has transformed our lives in ways we couldn’t imagine. Like I said, last week I attended a webinar it´s an online conference for teachers about digital competence and how to deal with it as teachers. We were attending to the webinar with other students from the Universiat de Barcelona in a digital Learning online "Room". This webinar carried out by Ms. Maria Jesús García San Martín called Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education . From this conference I learnt  different online training courses for teachers that are offered by the Ministry of Education through the   INTEF ,  besides it's Portfolio of th

Classic Poetry Time

Podcasting Poetry Project Hey guys!  April is National Poetry Month, so I pulled one of my favorite poem for my third graders to teach and inspire my students through the new CLIL lesson tool: Podcasting, the SoundCloud! And t oday I want to share with you this incredible implement. SoundCloud is a social platform where everyone can listen and create sounds and share them everywhere. It can record and upload sounds to SoundCloud and share them privately or publicly to friends, blogs, sites and all our social networks.  First of all, to organize the project I created a document with  Google Docs ,   a very useful tool that allows to design word documents, power point, graphs..etc.  So I used it to draft my project and write my objectives, tools, competencies and evaluation.  I definitely hink this is the best option to work in groups, because your group member can work online at the same time of the same document. Here is my project draft on  Google Docs : Ne

We like Infographics!

We like Infographics! Hey hey,  I have just discovered a new useful resource of this planet called Infographic. An infographic (information graphic) is a representation of information in a graphic format designed to make the data easily understandable at a glance. People use infographics to quickly communicate a message, to simplify the presentation of large amounts of data, to see data patterns and relationships, and to monitor changes in variables over time. It is online and similar to a poster. You can choose the topic that you want and explain it. It is very visual.  For example, in my Infographic, I made a guidline for a healthy diet for the children, because in my opinion they are essential for their daily life, nutrition for kids is based on the same principles as nutrition for adults. Everyone needs the same types of nutrients — such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fat. Children, however, need different amounts of specific nutrients at different ages